If are using a version that does not include the JRE, your machine has to have Java 17 (64-bits) installed (JRE or JDK); you can install it from here: https://www.java.com/en/download/.
If you have a Java 17 JRE installed on your machine but it's not in your path, or the IDE cannot find in on startup, you can specify it by editing the file ide\geb.ini, inserting the lines (replace with your JRE path)
-vm c:/jre/bin/javaw.exeThe format is the same as in the eclipse.ini for Eclipse IDE. See here.
1. Make sure you have a valid license.
2. To check for Internet connectivity, and that the GEB license server is up,
navigate your web browser to https://www.gebautomation.com/lic/lic.php
It should display some "Status OK" message.
3. In some rare cases, it might happen that your network requires some proxy that is set inside your web browser, but it's not recognized by Java. To fix this, try editing your lib\net.properties file inside the JRE
java.net.useSystemProxies=true http.nonProxyHosts=localhost|127.*|[::1]
A Professional licence gives access to the GEB runtime source code to port your own devices or modify the included ones without restrictions.
If you attach the following files, inside the IDE installation directory, we might be able to help you better:
geb.log workspace\.metadata\.log